Tuesday, July 05, 2005

價廉物美的facial mask

$19.9/5片真是抵過什麼SK ILL,好用至極,我喜歡那陣陣的芳香。
媽咪上次有十多個內地的朋友來香港,她介紹那一些用慣SK ILL和什麼IPSS那一些牌子的小姐們用。

我也想用啊,不過媽咪話No animal testing啊.....


This mask only can buy in Watson's, me mama used for 1 year, cheap and super good quality. Better than SK ILL and IPSS type, me mama introduce to china friend to use this mask, china friend bought many many.

Now me think because more people use this mask, it raise from 19.9/5 pcs to 24.9/5 pcs, some other mask same brand even raise to 69.9/5pcs. but mama said only lavendar faical mask is good.

me want try too, me want smoothy smoothy face, but me mama said no animal testing.



$19.9/5切れは本当にどんなSK ILLに到着したことがあって、きわめてまで(へ)使いやすくて、私はそれではひとしきりひとしきりのよい香りが好きだ。ママは前回香港に来る10余り内陸の友達があって、彼女はあのいくつかを紹介してSK ILLとどんなIPSSのあのいくつかの商標のお姉さん達に慣れるで使う。その夜銅鑼湾京華センター内watson'sのこのmask商品棚がすべて掃かれたのが澄んでいる。

ママは1週間2切れを使って、暗い瘡は終わって、皮膚は柔らかくなって、本当に悪くない。私、ママの話No animal testing.を越えない...とも使いたい。.


Unknown said...

naughty Jumbo, did you mama introduce it to your papa?

you can create a new category: Skincare and cosmetics:平靚正護膚化妝類

有無好eye cream介紹?黑眼圈好勁...成日要搽concealer好煩...

The dog and a blog said...

papa face getting much better just some pimple scar left

the skincare and cosmetics me will create this later hahaha ......

black circle, me dont have ar, mama using a .... a.... mm....claudie(?) before she bought in Joyce Beauty, now can buy in Facess etc. they have a 葡萄extract eye cream, mama said quite good. me donno because me have 毛毛below me eyes