Monday, June 27, 2005

漫畫類別 Comic Category

1. 漫畫是幼稚的???

2. 美國另類漫畫(一): Lenore

3. 美國另類漫畫(二): JTHM & Squee!!

4. 美國另類漫畫(三): Autumn / Stitch / Skelebunnies

5. 美國另類漫畫(四): Nightmare and Fairytales

6. 美國另類漫畫(五): Angus Oblong and his Creepy Susie

7.美國另類漫畫(六): Bloom County I - A Wish for Wings that work
-Bloom County II - Goodnight Opus

8. 日本漫畫(一): 光之風
- 日本漫畫補充: 細說新選組(光之風) I
- 日本漫畫補充: 細說新選組(光之風) II

9. 日本漫畫(二): 四葉妹妹&笑園漫畫大王

10. 日本漫畫(三): 愛麗斯學園

11. 日本漫畫(四): Death Note

12. 日本漫畫(五): Bleach 死神/漂


Unknown said...

if you want to list the posts by titles in the sidebar, you can use this
to make categories for your blog,please see my blog as an example...

Unknown said...

forgot to say, the method I suggested is different from yours. your method is to create a new entry to list all the comics posts, when you write a new entry for a comic in the future, you need to find that post out, add a new link to it and publish again. By using, you can pass all those procedures!

The dog and a blog said...

Thanks Regina sis sis

me have checked there too, but me no want it link to other pages than mine, actually it is for the category link on the >>> side, so each tiem when i have to update, me will update on this entry, and when people click on it will have all the list in the same template ^_^, me ask mama to teach me how make in html ........

The dog and a blog said...

beside, did Judy sis sis call you?
you ok on wed go out? if ok mama said will bring the comics give you wor ^_^

Unknown said...

icic, up to you la :)

yes ah Judy called me this morning, but I'm not free on Wed wor,next time la...