Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Paul Sec~
You are naive and innocent. You don't have much
aggression or desires but to live this moment.

which hk secondary school do you belong?
brought to you by Quizilla

真係Paul Sec呀....點解會0甘邪架>??!?!?!?!?!?!?!


Unknown said...

mine is DGS wor...

your mama is "naive and innocent"???!!!NO WAY!!

What a description!! but long time ago, I heard that:St Paul's Sec girl is suitable to be a wife.

tell your mama: I'm not Creepy Susie!! I'd never kill my lover and happy to take his brain out!!!!

JameSentiment said...

我都係Paul Sec!?搔晒頭…

您小水滴的RSS核實ok了,想佢快高長大就餵多D blog比佢食啦^^

The dog and a blog said...

To Regina sis sis, below is mama want me type for her (give u see):

Regina, face it, i am naive and innocent anyway, jealous or not, believe or not HA HA HA and FACE IT, you are creepy susie TYPE of girl, we are not sure if you will kill your lover and take his brain out. But i heard that you smash doll's head.

To May sis sis me mama said we should hang out one day (bring me go too?), and take pics with jumbo ^_^

To Jame bro bro, camera battery DEAD, tomorrow should have new one, so me can update the blog FINALLY!!! HOORAH!

Unknown said...

I smash doll's head??? who said that? who want to die??

I'll meet May sis sis tomorrow, may be we can arrange a meeting(with you and your mama)!to exchange comics,to see Dr. Lo together....hehe

and bring BB too?

The dog and a blog said...

T_T why today ar, why not weekdays ar? today need clean me pet's home and clean jumbo pet ar ..... cannot. (me mama clean not me clean la of course)

next week will come?

Unknown said...

I'd rather smash your head, May - sis - sis

I'll go to the doctor on Fri(ohhhh, I miss Dr. Lo's......medicine)